2011 Photo Journal

52 weeks of self-portraits as part of a 52-week group photography project.


Twenty Four

I was in San Francisco last week for work and made my way down to the beach for my week twenty four picture!  What a beautiful day it was.  I was lucky enough to catch the bridge without the haze that had covered it for the previous few days.  I had a great walk along the shore and made my way back to the hotel by way of Chestnut Street.  The shops, restaurants and houses were amazing in this neighborhood and I can't wait to go back to spend more time there soon!


Twenty Three

We went down to the Mississippi Delta for Rebecca Durden's wedding and spent the night one night at a place I've always wanted to stay!  The Shack Up Inn in Clarksdale is the most incredible collection of shacks from old Delta farms that have been moved to Hopson Plantation.  Our shack was named The Electric Blue. The accommodations are one step down from Shabby Chic, in fact, they are plain-old-Shabby, but the sheets were clean and it was fun!  There were lots of good spots for photos, and I loved the way the 1960's coloring looked on the one I picked for Week 23.